HS Codes

How do I get the HS code?
HS code requested from your supplier
European customs link: https://www.zolltarifnummern.de/

The HS code consists of 11 digits. The first two digits designate the HS Chapter. The second two digits designate the HS heading. The third two digits designate the HS subheading. HS code 1006.30, for example indicates Chapter 10 (Cereals), Heading 06 (Rice), and Subheading 30 (Semi-milled or wholly milled rice, whether or not polished or glazed).



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IATA Cargo Agent - Die International Air Transport Association erarbeitet und überwacht internationale Regeln im Flugverkehr; vorgeschriebener Ausbildungsstandard; regelmäßige Weiterschulung ist Pflicht.


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